KULO has been inspired by the tradition and beliefs related to slash-and-burn clearing. Set in the context of contemporary art, the work is centred on the cycle of life: ignition, burning, uncontrolled destruction, turning to ash, the power of water, and rebirth. The stagnation brought on by the destructive power of humans is finally relieved by hope from the fertility of the earth. The cycle is also reflected in the spatial construction of the work: the audience moves clockwise through the work, receiving a multi-sensory experience.

Directed by Outi Räsänen and team
Sound design, music direction and programming by Jussi Tuohino
Visual elements directed by Aleksi Kauhanen and Joonas Leinonen
Lighting design by Simo Tigerstedt
Sound engineering by Mikko Bergström
Producer: Liisa Heikkinen
Technical assistance: Pasi Tyybäkinoja
Costume design: Outi Räsänen

Creators: Students of the degree programmes in music education, dance education and communication at Oulu University of Applied Sciences

Performance info

Oulu Art Museum

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