Lumo tempted visitors to enjoy the fresh frosty weather outdoors

In Oulu Cathedral, a light work at the Lumo light festival 2022

Lumo Light Festival 2022. Awareness, Arttu Nieminen


The Lumo Light Festival Oulu, held over the weekend, once again attracted a large number of visitors to the center of Oulu to admire the light installations. The number of visitors remained at the same level as last year’s festival, with approximately 100,000 visitors. Despite the increasingly cold weather over the weekend, there was a significant amount of people enjoying the artwork along the route throughout the festival days.

The festival also brought a large number of customers to the city’s restaurants and cafes. Lumo encouraged a record number of restaurants and cafes to participate in the festival with the Lumo Menu. Furthermore, the popularity of the festival is evident in the various accompanying and regional events throughout Oulu, from Lintulampi to Martinniemi.

“Occasional queues formed due to the large number of visitors, but despite that, people remained in good spirits. It has been enjoyable for the organizers to witness the joyful reactions of the audience to the installations,” say the festival organizers.

The next light festival will be held in Oulu on November 17-19, 2023.